
Art does not seek to describe but to enact. —Charles Olson

Festival XIII

August 2-8, 2018

Heidi Carlsen + Kristen Mylander + Élise Roy + Marcia Scott + Erik Ulman + Nick Virzi

This small and intimate Poto was as much a working retreat as one of our traditional gatherings, and my account will be brief and general. Much good work and many valuable exchanges took place. Heidi presented a theatrical solo performance, at the thresholds of dance and mime; Kristen shared her recent work in fiber arts, and Élise her recent compositions (besides performing and discussing the solo flute sonata of C.P.E. Bach); Marcia led an Awareness Through Movement session; Erik played several compositions and discussed their relation to the paintings of Cy Twombly; and Nick shared his field recordings of various natural locations, besides recording more sites at the ranch throughout the week. In addition, we enjoyed several film viewings, including Rivette’s Céline and Julie Go Boating and Duras’ India Song; several listening sessions, including works of Stockhausen, Bruckner, and Beethoven; the traditional family dinner festivities; and a field trip to the Yuba River, where our river reading took place, of texts by Coleridge, Hopkins, Hölderlin, Wordsworth, and Rilke. The morning sermons this time were a selection of poems by Emily Dickinson, supplemented by a discussion of Allen Tate’s essay on her work.